AICD Implantation and Follow-Up Care

Why is the Doctor Performing this Procedure?

Monitoring an abnormally beating heart, characterized by either too fast (Tachycardia), too slow (Bradycardia), or irregular (Atrial Fibrillation) rhythms, is crucial for detecting and addressing arrhythmias.

An Interventional Cardiologist in Pune plays a pivotal role in providing specialized care for individuals experiencing these irregular heartbeats. with expertise in advanced cardiac interventions, an interventional cardiologist can recommend appropriate treatments, including procedures like AICD implantation or cardiac ablation, to manage and improve the heart’s rhythm.


What is an AICD?

An AICD is a device that monitors a person’s heart rate. They are generally implanted into heart failure patients. The device is programmed to perform the following tasks: speed up or slow down your heart, depending upon the heart rate.

The AICD gives your heart a shock if you start having life threatening arrhythmias or an abnormally high heart rate. Arrhythmias occur when your heart does not beat normally. Some arrhythmias can cause the heart to completely stop beating. The shock given by the AICD can make the heart start beating normally again. An AICD can also make your heart beat faster if your heart is not beating fast enough.

There are different kinds of AICDs, but they all have 2 parts: electrodes (thin flexible wires) and a generator. The electrodes or “leads” sense or watch the heart’s electrical activity. The generator is the battery power source and the “brains” of the AICD. It is a small metal can about the size of a deck of cards.

The generator stores information about any arrhythmias you have. The generator also keeps track of how often it needs to give your heart a shock. Some AICDs also function as pacemakers for heart rates that are too slow or too fast.


When is an AICD indicated?

An Automated Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator (AICD) is indicated in cases where individuals are at risk of life-threatening arrhythmias or sudden cardiac arrest.

The AICD system is recommended for one or more of the following reasons:

  • At least one episode of Ventricular Tachycardia (VT) or Ventricular Fibrillation (Vfib)
  • Previous cardiac arrest or abnormal heart rhythm that has caused you to pass out
  • A fast heart rhythm that keeps returning and could cause death
  • A fast heart rhythm that cannot be cured by surgery
  • A fast heart rhythm that cannot be controlled with medications
  • Severe side effects from medications.

For Expert Advice on AICD Implants, Consult with a leading Cardiologist in PuneDr. Rahul Sawant, Hriday Mitra Cardia Clinic.


Cost of AICD Implantation

The cost of getting an AICD (Automated Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator) in Pune can vary. Generally, it ranges from INR 3,00,000 to INR 8,00,000 or more, depending on the type of device and hospital facilities. If you’re considering this, it’s a good idea to check with Heart Clinic in Pune for specific cost details. Reputable clinics, like Dr. Rahul Sawant‘s Hriday Mitra Cardia Clinic, can provide personalized advice and accurate cost estimates for AICD implantation.

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